Fundraising Goals

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On December 6, 2021, Community Futures Winnipeg River met with the committee to assist in the development of the SCRC Fundraising Strategy. This strategy will lay out a plan for raising $4 Million Dollars of the estimated $20 Million Dollar Springfield Community Recreation Centre (SCRC) project. The $4 Million Dollars is estimated to be raised by Spring 2024 through two key methods:

1.    Capital Campaign (corporate, family and individual donors)

2.    Fundraising Activities (self-generated events and activities to raise money)



A capital campaign is a targeted fundraising campaign to raise money for a specific (and usually large) project within a specified time frame. This section outlines and explains the components and logistics involved with the capital campaign.


Fundraising Goal triangle Fundraising Goal


Donors will be sought in two phases. In the first phase, the committee will focus on securing donors for the top three levels to gain some financial commitment before formally and publically launching the capital campaign. In the second phase, the committee will focus on securing the rest of the required donors. The website and online paying system will be launched along with the public communication strategy as the key tools for attaining sponsorship. Naming rights will last for a 10-year period and will require a signed contract between the donor and the municipality.  Contract will include a payment schedule that is agreeable to both the donor and the municipality.

Donor Level & Recognition BreakdownDonor Level & Recognition BreakdownDonor Level & Recognition BreakdownDonor Level & Recognition Breakdown